The EU GEODATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION workshop takes place on 9 December 2022 at the Department of Geoinformatics in the S3 classroom.
Author: Zdena Dobešová (Page 2 of 4)
Macků K. & Barvíř R. (2022) Quality of life indices: how robust are the results considering different aggregation techniques?, Journal of Maps, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2022.2126801
Kučera M., Dobešová Z. Characteristics of changes in passenger and freight rail transport in 2020 and 2021, XXVth Congress of the Czech Geographical Society and 18th Congress of the Slovak Geographical Society, September 2022, Olomouc, DOI: 10.5507/prf.22.24461786, ISBN 978-80-244-6178-6
Dobešová Z., Macků K., Kučera M. Teaching Geoinformatics Subjects With Examples of European Union Data (Výuka geoinformatických předmětů na příkladech dat Evropské unie), Sympozium GIS Ostrava 2022, Smart City – vize a realita, 12 p.
The textbook is a manual for practical work in the data mining software Orange. The various methods are practised on different data, including European Union data like Eurostat or Copernicus Urban Atlas. The textbook was written under the project UrbanDM in the Czech language.
Dobešová, Z.: ORANGE, Manual for Data Mining course practise (Praktický návod do cvičení předmětu Data Mining), Palacký University in Olomouc, 2022, 119 p., ISBN 978-80-244-6086-4, DOI: 10.5507/prf.22.2440864