Dobešová Z. Processing of the time series of passenger railway transport in EU countries. CoMeSySo, 7th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2023, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems – ISSN 2367-3370, Springer
Category: Publications (Page 1 of 3)
Dobešová Z. Use of Eurostat and Urban Atlas in Data Mining course (Využití dat databáze Eurostat a Urban Atlas ve výuce předmětu Data Mining), Conference Informatika 2023, 4-5 September 2023, Jihlava, Czech Republic
Kirschner, V., Macků, K., Moravec, D. et al. Measuring the relationships between various urban green spaces and local climate zones. Sci Rep 13, 9799 (2023).
Kučera M., Dobešová Z. Evaluation of changes in corridor railway traffic in the Czech Republic during the pandemic year 2020, Geographia Cassoviensis, 17(1), 2023, ISSN (print) 1337-6748, ISSN (online) 2454-0005, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia,, SCOPUS, WoS, IF 0.3
Macků K. & Barvíř R. (2022) Quality of life indices: how robust are the results considering different aggregation techniques?, Journal of Maps, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2022.2126801