The exercise book contains procedures for obtaining data from the Eurostat database and the Copernicus Urban Atlas project. It also contains self-practice exercises based on the data obtained from these databases in the Orange software.
Author: Zdena Dobešová (Page 3 of 4)
Macků, K., Voženílek, V., & Pászto, V. (2021). Linking the quality of life index and the typology of European administrative units. Journal of International Development, 1– 30.
The EU GEODATA ANALYSIS AND VISUALIZATION workshop takes place on 11 November 2021 as part of the weekly block of POOL lectures at the Department of Geoinformatics in the GIS computer room.
Masopust J., Dobesova Z., Macků K. Utilisation of EU Employment Data in Lecturing Data Mining Course. In: Silhavy R. (ed) Artificial Intelligence in Intelligent Systems. CSOC 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 229. pp 601-616, Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-77445-5,
NOVÁK, Pavel. Classification of transport accessibility by public bus transport. Olomouc, 2021. Bachelor thesis. Palacky University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Department of Geoinformatics. Supervisor Zdena Dobešová.